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Zdaka Center - Your Tzedakah (charity) in Israel
  • Zdaka Center - Your Tzedakah (charity) in Israel

Zdaka Center

- Your Tzedakah (charity) in Israel

Tzedakah (Hebrew: צדקה) is a Hebrew word commonly mistranslated as charity, rather since it is based on a root meaning justice (צדק, tzedek). In Judaism, tzedakah refers to the religious obligation to perform charity, and philanthropic acts, which Judaism emphasises are important parts of living a spiritual life.

Jewish tradition argues that the second highest form of tzedakah is to anonymously give donations to unknown recipients. Unlike philanthropy, which is completely voluntary, tzedakah is seen as a religious obligation, which must be performed regardless of financial standing, and must even be performed by poor people; tzedakah is considered to be one of the three main acts that can annul a less than favorable heavenly bad decree.

Traditional Jews give at least ten percent of their income to charity. Traditional Jewish homes commonly have a pushke, a box for collecting coins for the poor, and coins are routinely placed in the box. A standard mourner's prayer includes a statement that the mourner will make a donation to charity in memory of the deceased. giving to charity is an almost instinctive Jewish response to express thanks to G-d, to ask forgiveness from G-d, or to request a favor from G-d. According to Jewish tradition, the spiritual benefit of giving to the poor is so great that a beggar actually does the giver a favor by giving a person the opportunity to perform tzedakah.
for torah quotes about tzedakah - click here

Please join our effort to help those who can't help themselves.

Please remember those who need it most in Israel when you give tzedakah this year.

Any donation will help the needy in Israel.
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Levels of Tzedakah

  1. Giving begrudgingly
  2. Giving less that you should, but giving it cheerfully.
  3. Giving after being asked
  4. Giving before being asked
  5. Giving when you do not know the recipient's identity, but the recipient knows your identity
  6. Giving when you know the recipient's identity, but the recipient doesn't know your identity
  7. Giving when neither party knows the other's identity
  8. Enabling the recipient to become self-reliant
Matanot l'Evyonim - Gifts to the Poor Hachnosas Kallah

יש עוד מין הלואה המצוי בענין זה, והיינו באיש שמתחיל להתמוטט בממונו, ובהלואה זו שילוונו יחזיק את ידו שלא יתמוטט ולא יצטרך לבריות, וענין זה הוא גדול יותר מסתם גמ"ח, כיון שבזה מקיים מצוה נוספת, שנאמר 'וכי ימוך אחיך ומטה ידו עמך, והחזקת בו, גר ותושב וחי עמך'. ואם יעזור ה' ועל ידי הלואה זו יחיה הלוה ואנשי ביתו, הקב"ה מחשיב זאת כאילו המלוה הזה החיה את הלוה ואת בני ביתו.
אהבת חסד, ענין החזקת עני ומך, פרק כא
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Zdaka Center

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